Love to hear an idea to go along with this post.
From me?
Well, if I'd been involved, I wouldn't have voted for the Republican budget. Any government shutdown would have been squarely on the Republicans.
And if I were in the Democratic House or Senate, I would've been making an issue and raising a stink about every single illegal and/or ethically/morally reprehensible thing Trump has done. I would have been a pain in the ash about everything, and I'd be putting my outrage out there for all to see and hear, and I'd have been broadcasting it in every way and with everyone, that I could. I'd also be compiling all those things and trying to make a case for his removal from office, and then trying to take steps in that direction. If that involves getting primaried or risking the loss of my job, well, then so be it. The country needs Congress to work on its behalf, and that has not been happening.
Trump never would've gotten away with stealing and taking home clashified documents the first time around, and then refusing to return them. How was he not charged with anything that would stick with regard to that?
I'd be asking Trump questions instead of soft-pedaling everything, or dancing around things. As is often said around here, words matter, and Trump needs some things said/asked right to his face and he needs to be put on the spot. He says "We've been getting ripped off for a long time, and we're not gonna be ripped off anymore," with regard to Canada? I'd be asking him how we've been getting ripped off.
He says he's having an easier time dealing with Putin than with Zelensky? He gets asked why he's not actually dealing with Putin, then, and getting him to pull his troops out of Ukraine, you know, since he was the aggressor?
He wanted to shut down USAid, the greatest humanitarian organization in the world? He gets asked how can he live with himself. What exactly are the abuses and frauds that have been found to warrant such an action? And what do you plan to replace USAid with?
He says NATO was formed specifically to rip off and take advantage of the U.S.? He gets a freaking history lesson in why it was actually started, and who, so far, has benefited from it the most.
Oh, and I'd be authoring and trying to move a bill that would prevent someone like Trump -- a convicted felon -- from ever being nominated or able to hold the office of President in the first place. How the hell is that OK?
I'd be proposing an upper age limit for the office of President -- say, 72, maybe -- and working to get that pashed.
Etc., Etc., Etc.