I saw Styx with Shaw on that tour, and they absolutely burned. The funny part was that the bill was The Manhattans, Dr. Hook, Styx, and Boston, a Toys for Tots concert. Boston's first album was out and they had a couple of songs on the charts. Tom Stoltz insisted on closing the show. By that time Styx had five albums out and had some solid material, plus "Equinox" was pretty damn good on its own. I don't know if Styx was pissed not to be closing or if they were doing the "Ok, follow THIS" thing, but they were great, while Boston was trying to do on stage what Stoltz had done in the studio. They had no depth in their material, and people were walking out in droves. The only rock show I saw more people get up and leave was a Stephen Stills and Manassas show when Stills was snorting about an ounce of coke a day, and they were forking awful.