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The Photo

They didn't pull the trigger. Or even squeeze it.

Yes, they "could" have. But someone in the crowd "could" have done something, too.

You came to see the mayor. Why are you stopping and engaging two people with guns instead of getting to where you were going . . . quickly?
They didn't pull the trigger. Or even squeeze it.

Yes, they "could" have. But someone in the crowd "could" have done something, too.

No ship, Sherlock. I was responding to his ashertion that shooting trespashers was protected under the Castle Doctrine.

BTW, I hope some firearms instructor has reached out to those two ashholes to give them some gun safety lessons. If you're going to own a firearm, you must know how to use it safely and they darn sure weren't.
They didn't pull the trigger. Or even squeeze it.

Yes, they "could" have. But someone in the crowd "could" have done something, too.

You came to see the mayor. Why are you stopping and engaging two people with guns instead of getting to where you were going . . . quickly?

It's the mob mentality: A couple of people probably GTFO, but in a group of dozens, they can't take all of you. Also, because you love to flip the question, why are two people trying to take on a mob walking down the street? Why not just let them go if they are walking by your house?

And what Inky said. The poster who is going to shout "they're coming right for us!" as an excuse to shoot people in the street is troublesome.
Fixed or expandable?

The mill? The bow? Can I plead uterus and say I have a Ben Pearson Cougar 962-64 and a Ben Pearson Puma 783-62? I learned on a compound but prefer a recurve.

One other thing. I was kidding. I'm a big weenie about violence in real life. (Covering hockey notwithstanding.)

Oh, yeah. About the McCloskeys? They made this week's Artnet:

The Gun-Toting, Palace-Dwelling Couple Who Confronted Protesters Are Major Art Collectors. In Fact, They Fancy Themselves the New Medici.
I've never gotten that good with my recurve. I guess I'm spoiled with the let off from the cams on my (various) compound bows over the years. I do like the idea of recurves, given compound bow manufacturers seems obsessed with distance shots now. Seems more true to the original bow hunting ethos.
When this glorious, lawless utopia that resembles Mad Max or Mogadishu comes to your neighborhood and your property and your life are now forfeit thanks to a mob of "peaceful protestors," I'll laugh heartily at your well-deserved demise.

Civilization is a thin veneer and an ordered society with such luxuries as cell service and indoor plumbing will be the first casualties of this paradise you mental midgets claim to want. Law and order must be restored. If the police are either crippled politically by feckless morons like you elected or unable to respond in a timely fashion, people like these folks in St. Louis will have to fill the void.

And again, these "peaceful protesters" broke through a gate and trespashed onto private property. The video clearly shows this.

The law is clear in states with a Castle Doctrine. Deadly force is authorized against trespashers, who usually have malicious intent. A verbal warning will dissuade those who don't have ill intent and maybe wandered onto your property by accident.
Your klan won't like this planned rebranding.
Trump calls Black Lives Matter a 'symbol of hate' as he digs in on race
Trump calls Black Lives Matter a 'symbol of hate' as he digs in on race - CNNPolitics
The mill? The bow? Can I plead uterus and say I have a Ben Pearson Cougar 962-64 and a Ben Pearson Puma 783-62? I learned on a compound but prefer a recurve.

One other thing. I was kidding. I'm a big weenie about violence in real life. (Covering hockey notwithstanding.)

Oh, yeah. About the McCloskeys? They made this week's Artnet:

The Gun-Toting, Palace-Dwelling Couple Who Confronted Protesters Are Major Art Collectors. In Fact, They Fancy Themselves the New Medici.

Their drive for artistic beauty ironically makes the ugliest couple in America even uglier.
There's video of them breaking the gate? Please share.

And Castle Doctrine does not authorize deadly force against mere trespashers. Home invaders? Sure. But you can't pull the trigger on somebody just because they step foot onto your yard - which these protesters didn't even do.
Like I said before, an angry mob of hundreds, even if they're unarmed, is a threat. Have you not seen the beatings administered by BLM and Antifa radicals?

As a former small arms instructor, they're in need of a serious clash on safety. But that doesn't dispell the validity of the right of self defense and the right to defend your property against murderous Jacobins.



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