Dooley is not saying the worst thing in the world here.
Newspapers need better copy editors, and better designers, and certainly better photographers, more than they need better reporters or columnists. And here's what's funny…if there is anything you can do at a small daily or weekly, it's copy desk, design and photography. You might be lacking the best technology, and you might not be working with the best copy, but it is genuine experience, and a lot of newcomers, quite disturbingly, moan about it. Knowing all that we know about presentation, to scoff and pish at design, the placement of news and art, is the hallmark of a small, idiotic mind. If a talented desk earns the trust of the reporters and columnists - this almost never happens with columnists, many of whom think their opinions are pooped right from the ass of Simon Bolivar - you're gonna a better newspaper day in, day out. And if you have designers who understand the marriage of art and news, that makes a better paper. You might have a reporter who busts one open every so often, or cuts the guts of old women with a tear-jerker about some basketball coach dying of black lung, but it doesn't happen daily. Desk and design can a make a daily difference. Reporters and columnists are to some extent tied to the subjects and the quality of news.
Now I left the business and couldn't be happier, but it wasn't I didn't know all of that, or didn't, somewhere along the way, better myself with the knowledge and application of the above. But it is disconcerting to see somebody talking about bowing out because the assignments don't roll their way. The best thing I can say about Bob Woodward - the last 25 years have been a little mixed - is that when he started he was GA, and many days he went out and found a story good enough to put on 1A when most reporters would have attending some government function and vomited the usual. In journalism there are many truths, but this is a key one: The reporter with the fewest beat obligations has the most freedom. It's a matter of recognizing it, stalking down those stories, and banging it out.