When my first daughter was born, I wanted to do something different with her month by month photos. The first five weeks, I took her picture. Then that got annoying, so I went with month by month. After two months, trying to pose that with the stupid sticker or sign was even more annoying. So I came up with a different plan.
Every month I take photos around when her birthday would be (i.e. 13 month photo, 26 month photo, etc); it's not a posed shot. We just go out and do something and I get a candid and that's her that month photo.
On her first birthday, I took a picture of her holding a picture of her when she was born. My wife made a banner of the month-by-month photos and we hung it at her first party. For her second, we did the same thing. starting with her 1-year old picture and going month by month until we got to Year 2 - a pic of her holding the 1-year pic - and kept the Year 1 banner and hung them side by side.
We - and when I say we, I mean my wife - ditched the banner this year, but I have the month by month photos saved and here is the Year 3 pic - my daughter holding a pic of herself when she turned two holding a pic of herself when she turned 1 holding a pic of when she was born.
The photo is meh. I was rushed for time trying to get the party together and missed the golden light by 20 minutes. Took this so we'd have something for tomorrow and I plan on cheating and doing the shot again so the light is better and her hair doesn't make her look homeless. Plus, we need a visible bow.
It's been a fun project and I really like the direction it's going.