My experience hosting the "Swap Shot, Trading Post, Radio Garage Sale" show was sometimes off the wall.Sign that I'm an old soul, but I can listen to the Swap Shop shows for hours on end. Always could.
As a teenager, most everyone in the listening area knew who I was due to being a good high school football and hockey player. Anyway, most folks were kind to me on the air.
Fellow high school students? All bets were off.
First, there was no seven-second delay. That's just asking for trouble. I'd take calls and try to write down everything the person was trying sell and their phone number. While concentrating on that, some dingbat would slip in a "fork you" or the best one ... "I'd like the number for that two-pecker goat for sale."
Will admit to such shenanigans myself ... once.
At one point, the program director pissed me off (actually, it was probably my immaturity). So, one weekday, I took my tuba to a local payphone and called in to the "Radio Garage Sale." Placed the receiver down into the bell of the tuba. When he put me on the air, I let go with a powerful blast through the instrument.
Sounded like the goal horn at Chicago Stadium!
EDIT: Now we return you to regular programming ... "How Does Your Family Handle Death?"
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