Fenian_Bastard said:
Boom, my brother, David Halberstam used to write for Page 2 on ESPN.com.
You write where you're asked and, when you do, you do good work.
Jonesy's piece is a forking masterpiece of the genre, and would be wherever it appeared.
This is an argument I do not understand.
David Halberstam is THE reason I bookmarked ESPN's Page 2. He said that after 9/11 his interest as sports as something worthy of his writing attention was something which in many ways demeaned his time and skills. Have the times changed to such a degree that a writer of Jones' supposed skill should be prostituting himself for ESPN the Mag goes without note? If that is the case isn't it ironic that George W Bush and Donald Rumsfeld who have been largely responsible for making such frivolous uses of a supposed great writers time for sports "year in review' possible are the very main more often than occasional targets of such "thinkers" as yourself and Jones?
I don't expect you to answer. Nor do I expect Jones to answer either. I just hope that he pays (American) taxes and that maybe the next time he mails it in that I'm not duped into reading even a part of his dreck.
You say Jones' piece is a masterpiece among "year in review" pieces? Is that faint praise or what? Honestly - someone explain what is so freaking good about this "piece".