I want to get Blue Sky up and running and try and see if it is a good replacement for Twitter. I have said several times I still use Twitter for a newsource, but for some things I really like it for -- weather, immediate local updates -- it is almost useless now. I am a weather geek and there was a lot of local meteorology chat on there for a long time and it has pretty much vanished. I am sure they went somewhere. As for local stuff, just no one of substance uses Twitter now. And the comments are terrible on anything. I do a pretty good job of not looking at them, but still.
That said, it is really slow for many of my news follows to show up at the new place, and since I have signed up, like several have commented, I have gotten more than a dozen follows from mostly naked women. That might already be more than I ever had on Twitter. That is kind of disappointing out of the gate and it would be nice if they figured out how to clean that up. I don't see a way to remove them, only mute them.