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Muh Muh Muh My Corona (virus)

China has finally locked down the city where it started, far too late. Last I heard the virus had spread to six other countries. Pray it does not mutate into a more virulent form. It has already gone from spreading from animal to human to human to human transmission. I'm not an epidemiologist by any stretch but I am acutely aware of what could happen, and it scares the heck out of me.

Rare and unusual, against the odds? Sure it is - but people keep winning the Powerball against very long odds, you know?
Hello, Texas.

Brazos County's health department is investigating a suspected case of the the mystery pneumonia-like virus that has claimed 18 lives in China and was confirmed in the U.S. for the first time earlier this week.

The department said in a tweet that the patient had traveled from Wuhan, China, the district where the so-called 2019 novel coronavirus originated.

The case would be the first for the state of Texas. Roughly 90 miles outside of Houston, Brazos County is home to the cities of Bryan and Collegge (sic) Station, where Texas A&M University is located.

Another departmental tweet said health-care providers in the area were aware of public health guidance about the virus and quickly recognized the patient met the criteria for testing. The patient is being kept isolated at home.​

Brazos County investigating suspected case of novel coronavirus
China has finally locked down the city where it started, far too late. Last I heard the virus had spread to six other countries. Pray it does not mutate into a more virulent form. It has already gone from spreading from animal to human to human to human transmission. I'm not an epidemiologist by any stretch but I am acutely aware of what could happen, and it scares the heck out of me.

Rare and unusual, against the odds? Sure it is - but people keep winning the Powerball against very long odds, you know?
I agree with this ... in part because someone with the disease is being hospitalized in the Pacific Northwest (the Seattle area).

It's also because I have read "Station Eleven," which begins with a flu virus from Asia that spreads rapidly and takes out the majority of humanity. Fiction, I know ...
Just announced: Top Rank card scheduled in Beijing Feb. 1 featuring junior middleweight champ Jose Ramirez vs. Victor Postol cancelled due to the virus.
I saw where a bunch of Chinese exchange students were turned away at the last minute as well. There's nothing happening here to panic over, and some folks are verging on it. Being aware and concerned is one thing, getting your bugout bag ready for your run to the survival bunker is another.

Coco, you should try John Ringo's "The Last Centurion". He's right wing as heck, but he's fun, and he's serious about the science and his descriptions of the reality if we got a no-shirt pandemic are scary as heck.
Two week incubation, and for a significant part of that time, no fever. Since checking for a temperature is how they screen travelers, this is a big problem.

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