@2muchcoffeeman, please note that not only did Webster here start this, but he is dragging it out because he doesn't like the way I've exposed his fanboy rage. I already rolled my eyes and tried to move on, but he posted this nonsense. I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your approval, but I'm going to respond.
There is no hypocrisy. I have never lied in defense of Roethlisberger as Garrett did in defense of Watson. There was an interesting discussion someone tried to start about players supporting Watson, but you ruined that with your bullship. I haven't just acknowledged that Roethlisberger was and still is a bad guy. I've argued it, so please kindly stuff your false accusation against me somewhere uncomfortable.
That said, I find it funny that you are trying to sell me or anybody on the notion that it was just a coincidence that you went out of your way to start a Pishing match with a Steelers fan the day after that team buried your Jets. I'm not buying it, fanboy.
I haven't had a Pishing match like this on here in a while, so perhaps you should go back and read through this discussion again and realize you started this mess and you are the one keeping it going. Your ashamed silence would be a wonderful way to answer this post. Let's see if you have the self-discipline to do it.