From an aesthetic standpoint, there was any number of irritating things with this concept. First, it was called a "Winter Warning" game when it was sunny and mid-60s in Green Bay of all places.
Second, they cheated and ripped off their own road jerseys and the pants design they last used during their mandatory Color Rush (yes, the Packers' Color Rush was white) era. Both of those have gold stripes but the helmets don't, so it looks like an adult coloring book where they give you the yellow to start.
I was a skeptic when they first did the white on white for the color rush, but I absolutely loved it … especially since it was a night game and it popped. Every night home game should be white on white.
Not sure about the white helmets. If they added a yellow stripe down the middle I might like them more, maybe green face masks too.
Thankfully they haven't gone to yellow jerseys.
A little birdie told me they're going back to blues for their throwbacks next season and may be doing something like what Illinois did with the helmets.