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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

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Staff member
Oct 13, 2002
Save your applause for Elliotte, who made an excellent suggestion: When we lock the old one, which served its purpose well, start a new one looking ahead to the Trump administration and all that. Yeah, we could just keep the old one going but, like with American politics, it is time for a new start.

We were nervous about the other one but with rare exception, it worked well. The minimal dustups ended quickly. IF it gets slightly out of hand and we shut this down for a day or so, please don't freak out and call us names. Just take a deep breath and come back in a day or so.

As always, the rules are a little more lax. Can't take it, don't post. You know what's over the top so don't do that. No outing yada yada yada.

Carry on
Is Don really going to do his Presidential exercise every morning?

What's his morning routine going to be? Running? Biking? Hooping it up?

Jogging in Central Park - doesn't he want to keep his Trump Towers base and hit the White House a couple of times a week?
Trump commuting into and out of Manhattan would paralyze much NYC traffic every Friday and Sunday evening/night. This will annoy people but also serve as a symbolic issue if/when his administration screws up. All administrations screw up, even the ones I've supported, so please don't take that as a partisan prediction.
Get past the title, and Moyers does an excellent job of describing what has happened through this campaign. He is unsparing of the role of journalism.

Farewell, America - BillMoyers.com

America died on Nov. 8, 2016, not with a bang or a whimper, but at its own hand via electoral suicide. We the people chose a man who has shredded our values, our morals, our compashion, our tolerance, our decency, our sense of common purpose, our very identity — all the things that, however tenuously, made a nation out of a country.

Stopped reading after the first paragraph.
Trump commuting into and out of Manhattan would paralyze much NYC traffic every Friday and Sunday evening/night. This will annoy people but also serve as a symbolic issue if/when his administration screws up. All administrations screw up, even the ones I've supported, so please don't take that as a partisan prediction.

Like he forking cares.
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