micropolitan guy
Well-Known Member
Lots of options mentioned in the hurricane thread from people ready to bail on Florida. One another thread one of our distinguished posters mentioned he was close to heading up to the Finger Lakes.
The Micro family is in its retire-in-place home. Paid-off one-story house, small enough we don't have to downsize, great neighbors/community, reasonable property taxes, good political climate, no real weather issues except for the annual winter/spring gloom, Micro Jr. a 2-hour plane ride away, vacation cabin only a 17-hour drive.
If you are thinking about relocating, where are you now (don't have to be too specific if you wish), and where are you thinking about going? Or even, if you could relocate, where would your ideal place be?
The Micro family is in its retire-in-place home. Paid-off one-story house, small enough we don't have to downsize, great neighbors/community, reasonable property taxes, good political climate, no real weather issues except for the annual winter/spring gloom, Micro Jr. a 2-hour plane ride away, vacation cabin only a 17-hour drive.
If you are thinking about relocating, where are you now (don't have to be too specific if you wish), and where are you thinking about going? Or even, if you could relocate, where would your ideal place be?