For as much as I dog on Loverboy, msybr five years ago I saw a YouTube video which I thought confirmed everything terrible I ever thought about them, they were lip syncing very badly (out of time, not even faking playing) to one of their songs I particularly revile, Reno looked like a pig, etc etc, his lip syncing was way off, whatever verses he was singing he sounded like a dyuing pig bring dragged into the slaughterhouse. I couldn't imagine anybody in the world, even their fans, paying five cents to see thst ever.
Well, several months ago, I saw another video.apparently much more recent (they looked older) and guess what-- they were actually playing, and reasonably decently. They weren't hitting every note, but they were off in a kind of comfortable bar band fashion. Reno hasn't exactly gotten svelte, but he seems to have trimmed down a bit and made his way through the songs without gasping for breath so he's in somewhat better shape.
So I said, "well god damn, who'd a thought the old boys had it in 'em?"
i did a little internet digging and apparently a few years ago Loverboy wss getting a ton of shirt from their fan base at their gigs, essentially to the effect,"if you're not going to do any better than that, why don't you just forkin' give it up?" To their credit, apparently they buckled down and got their shirt together.