To the surprise of no one here (but especially
@Junkie &

, I saw Loverboy on the state fair circuit 10 or so years ago. Despite Mike Reno pushing four bills, they were solid enough to a sparse-ish crowd that was making its way to and fro the fried dough stands, the midway games rigged so that you never win and everything in between. But I swear on all things holy, when drummer Matt Frenette banged the cowbell for Workin' For The Weekend, a thousand or so people sounded like 10,000 people. That's pretty cool, to be able to create a song that makes people spontaneously happy 30+ years (now 40+ years) and infinite listens later. They've made a solid living playing the hits as a lower-end act on packages at sheds and fairs well into their 60s (and 70s, in Paul Dean's case) and they'd still be the original quintet if not for the tragic drowning death of bashist Scott Smith in 2000. Yes, they have a limited skill set, but there are much worse career arcs.