I picked up a mifi yesterday (for my new Macbook Pro!) and was sorry to learn that, unlike the unlimited data under my Blackberry plan, the mifi is capped at 5 gigs. :( (The ATT guy tells me that all the major wireless providers are instituting data caps and that unlimited plans will become...
Well, Neil may not join an FB fan page for Sam Zell (um, he'd have to create one, first) but y'all can join an FB fan page for Neil: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2384665820&ref=search&sid=25714483.2325938993..1&v=info
Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself (2002) I bought the DVD from a resale bin oh, 5 or so years ago and then figured it would be too depressing. Just watched it tonight for the first time and now sorry I waited so long. Lovely dramedy, fab score.
In keeping with the dual topic in this thread, I'm also sorry Ann Arbor's local paper is gone.
As for DDP: I did receive two checks -- but learned this week that freelancers have not been (and will not likely be) paid.
I took a break from my efforts to stay in this biz (made suddenly more...
"Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity" a Canadian indie flick starring Sandra Oh. Oh is good as usual, but all the others absolutely charmed me. Film is free on hulu.
One professional, one personal:
One night covering a shooting in Cape Girardeau (SE Missouri), I'm making small talk with the TV crew on duty as we stand in the police department's lobby. Reporter says he can tell from my accent I'm not a Missourian. Tell him I'm from SE Michigan and turns out...