Just watched Saturday's show that aired before the live coverage on Tiger's 2019 win. Some cool footage from the truck of when he was hitting the final putt and the crew telling Nantz and Faldo to be quiet after the return to glory comment and just let it play out, which they did in spectacular fashion, for two and a half minutes, followed by Nantz finally breaking back in after Tiger and Charlie had made their long walk.
Made me think about Nantz's other partner and if Romo had been in the 18th tower that day.
"The return to glory!"
1.2 seconds later...
"Oh Jim! You talk about return and that is another way of saying someone's back and Tiger Woods, bad back, didn't think he'd win, Jim, and here he is, back to glory, returning to glory at the Masters where it all started. What a round and on 12 you think no way he can win but you think yeah he's going to win for sure, right, and then the water with Molinari and seems like Molinari is so solid, so steady--you think of Spaniards always being good around water, going back to Ponce de Leon of course--and then that happens and how's Tiger going to win when it's been so long, and you still have six holes left after that and on 15 Molinari hits that tree and, boy, Jim, a tree is kind of what started this, right? You think back to Elin and the car and that tree and here we are, what a steady round, you think of Jordan and Brady and just that steadiness and no way he's going to get another major and speaking of Army ranks you can't help but think of Earl, the lieutenant colonel, and naming his son Eldrick but really Tiger and that's how we've known him now, gosh, his whole life right, when you think about being on with Fran Tarkenton--scrambling Fran!--and being on TV at such a young age and then with Mike Douglas and Bob Hope and all those All-American football teams and you hear Mike Douglas and you think of another sex addict, of course that was Michael Douglas not Mike Douglas the host, and really nothing beats this in America today when you think about former champs, right, a former champ rising up and winning again even though you think they can't win and..."
"Uh. Well, I never thought we'd see anything that could rival the hug with his father in 1997, but we just did."