I always liked the corn syrup theory that its omnipresence was a conscious decision made in the 70s to appease all of our corn producers. The obesity epidemic is an unintended consequence. Several interesting articles about it.
Blame Nixon for the obesity epidemic
The deadly legacy of America's fields of gold
It's a processed food thing. Which goes way beyond corn syrup, even though high-fructose corn syrup runs through
a lot of processed foods, for the reason you are pointing out. If it hadn't been corn syrup as the added sugar ingredient in many of the processed foods that Americans started making a staple of their diets, it would have been refined sugars extracted from other sources, such as cane or beets. Added refined sugar has become a plague, because it goes hand in hand in with processed foods that make up 70 percent of what the typical American is eating today.
Michael Pollan has written and lectured extensively about this, a lot of his stuff is from the mid 2000s, but the trends he was talking about have just taken off since then, and so much of what he says is just plain old common sense. But people have a penchant for complicating things, creating messes, and then complicating them even more in an attempt to provide a solution to the self-created mess. The term he uses is "nutritionism," where we are trying to engineer food and how to eat, even though our understanding is pretty primative. Everyone is looking for some magical key to eating, and the idea that we can engineer diets rather than just eating naturally the way people did for millions of years, is what has led to our screwing ourselves up.
Pollan's mantra / advice for people is: "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants." When he says "eat food," it's not as simplistic as it sounds, because he makes a distinction between the "edible foodlike substances" that fill up stores now, and what he would classify as "real food": vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and to a lesser extent, fish and meat, according to him.
In one of his books, he had some common-sense guidelines. These were some of them:
- Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. "When you pick up that box of portable yogurt tubes, or eat something with 15 ingredients you can't pronounce, ask yourself, "What are those things doing there?" Pollan says. Even there, though, he warns that your grandmother might recognize a loaf of bread in a supermarket today, but what she wouldn't understand are why it isn't just composed of flour, yeast, water and salt. So along those lines. ...
- Don't eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce.
- Stay out of the middle of the supermarket; shop on the perimeter of the store. Real food tends to be on the outer edge of the store near the loading docks, where it can be replaced with fresh foods when it goes bad.
- Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot. "There are exceptions -- honey -- but as a rule, things like Twinkies that never go bad aren't food," Pollan says.