shockey said:
Mizzougrad96 said:
Anchorman is colossally overrated. It's the typical Will Ferrell, every funny scene is in the preview syndrome.
Hangover is far better than any movie Ferrell has ever done.
i agreed upon first viewing of "anchorman." but it was one of those comedies that got more hysterically funny with each subsequent viewing.
just curious, mizzo: did you see it more than once? or did you never give it a second chance?
That's a weird thing about a lot of Will Ferrell movies. It takes several viewings to truly appreciate them. There are lines I missed the first time, some of which I didn't catch until the sixth viewing. Even now, I might catch a line or a gesture I had missed.
And if my friends are quoting movie lines, like the idiots we are, there's a good chance they are probably coming from Anchorman.
"I immediately regret this decision."
"Don't act like you're not impressed."
"(Insert whatever here) was a baaaaad choice."
"Bark twice if you're in Milwaukee."
"This burrito is good, but it is filling."
"You know I don't speak Spanish!"
"Well .... when in Rome."
Which is funny, because I didn't really leave the theatre the first time giving that movie a second thought.