Well-Known Member
Speaking of India, keep a close eye on them if this truly blows up into a war beyond Europe.
One of the general beliefs/fears is that once Russia goes into Ukraine, China will take that as an opportunity to invade Taiwan. But one of the lesser reported stories from the past few years has been a low-key border war between China and India. It's just been skirmishes so far, but there have been soldiers killed on both sides. A year or two ago they had a bloody hand-to-hand fight on the side of a mountain where they were throwing each other over the side. They've also made their share of diplomatic moves against each other, and after or in conjunction with a Taiwan invasion the ChiComs could look at the outbreak of war as an opportunity to clean up another problem area.
If China gets aggressive toward its neighbors, the first nuke to fly could well be launched by an Indian government that's about to be overrun.
That seems unlikely. On top of the leadership in Zhongnanhai wanting to keep everything nice and stable through the Olympics and October's Party congress (when Xi's third term will be made official), India and China are the only nuclear powers that have explicitly adopted a "no first use" policy. Plus, there's the strong disincentive of a two-front war on both sides. China wouldn't welcome dealing with Taiwan and India simultaneously, yes, but Pakistan is one of China's closest (if still informal) allies and wouldn't need much convincing to come to Beijing's aid in the event of an attack by India.
'India committed to no-first-use policy under nuclear doctrine': Shringla