Sorry to harp on VCU, but as one of the few non P5s that have a shot, just wanted to break down their schedule.
First off, the only way they'll ever get a P5 school to come to Richmond is if said P5 school poaches VCU's coach. That's how they got Texas (Shaka) and LSU (Will Wade) to visit. Penn State has to visit at some point. Virginia too if they pluck Odom this offseason, which is a rumor going around.
They played Boston College at a neutral site and whooped them, but BC is terrible so that's a Q4 win. They inexplicably lost to Seton Hall in the Charleston Classic, and instead of playing Villanova next and perhaps Drake in the final, they got stuck with Nevada (loss) and Miami (win). Only Miami is plum awful and that win means nothing. They do have a decent neutral win against Colorado State and played New Mexico in a true road game.
Basketball is by far the biggest money maker at the school, so they can't just go the route of playing a bunch of road games against P5s. They need non-conference home revenue. I remember a story a few years back talking about home scheduling philosophy, and it was better to load up with terrible home teams rather than playing teams in the 76-160 range at home. That's why they play Bellarmine and Merrimack instead of say, ODU and Liberty, which would be much better games and much bigger tests. You don't get much of a bounce by beating a Q3 at home, but you sure as shirt will get punished for losing to one. So if you're VCU, you schedule sure wins against Penn and Georgia Southern rather than roll the dice with someone like High Point (87) or UNCW (108). Win gets you minimal gain, a loss is a disaster.