As a UConn student from 94-98, Comedy Central took up a large part of my TV viewing.
The Daily Show (remember when Kilborn's first season didn't have a studio audience?) followed by WBSM were must-see TV for me. MST3K, Exit 57, Lounge Lizards, and later South Park.
But I also watched to a lesser extent Viva Variety, The Critic, Dr Katz, Pulp Comics …
Loved Insomniac with Dave Attell.
Also recall one show, don't remember what it was, where Michael Moore drove a truck through the Deep South with a large hammer and sickle on the side of the trailer, and in the middle of the night at one point it was set on fire …
Someone on YouTube posted only the commercials from Comedy Central from the mid to late 90s and that is a terrific trip down memory lane.