I like to live in a world where I once didn't wear Packers colors in the original Cleveland Stadium Dawg Pound for the very reason some have stated here, but also, if I had decided to wear them, not to live in a world where assholes get a free pass because … it's somehow OK at a game? fork that noise running.
For as much cartoon dislike I've expressed here over the Cubs and Cardinals, I've never once had an issue inside Busch or Wrigley. (Outside Wrigley, and randomly, Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati for some reason, different story.)
The only issue I ever created was when I was at Jacobs Field in '95 to see the Brewers. Pat Listach comes up and, emboldened to give shirt to my Cleveland friends I was with, I yelled, "PAT LISTACH! ROOKIE OF THE YEAR!" at the top of the top of my lungs when he came up to bat. Some dude came out of nowhere and was definitely up for curb-stomping my ass to defend the honor of Kenny Lofton, who was by then infamously passed over for ROY in '92.
He proceeded to tell me how shirt Brewers fans were and how bad attendance at County Stadium was and I told him that was rich coming from a fan of a team on which an entire movie franchise was based on how shirt they were. This among other dopey barbs. I was never going to throw any punches, but he might have, so friends on both sides calmed everyone down. Pretty ridiculous behavior on the part of everyone, including myself.
Only "issue" I ever had wearing a Packers sweatshirt was at a Packers-Lions game at the Silverdome in '95. I was sitting in the end zone of whatever the middle section was and you could see fights galore breaking out in the upper deck. Lions fan in front of us turned around and said, "See, all of you Packers fans coming here to Detroit starting shirt." I was like, "It takes two to tango, pal" and then shut up before anything kicked off.
I haven't been to a NFL game as a fan since 2000. Seems way more culty to me in a bad way. People take this shirt way too seriously.
And who the fork are these cos-playing assholes dressing up in those garish costumes in camera range? GWAR called, they want their schtick back, and with less NFL-branded fake edginess.