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Ugly fan encounter at Eagles-Packers game

I've worn Steelers or Penguins gear to a bunch of road games. I know the rules of visiting fandom. I STFU and golf clap if my team does something good. I also try to befriend folks next to me by saying nice things about their city and team. Despite that, I nearly got jumped at Arrowhead.

I don't have that problem with Sunday Ticket.
In 2096 I went to a bar at 10 a.m. to watch the Raiders and Chiefs play. My buddy and everyone else in the place were wearing Raiders colors while I was in my Chiefs shirt. Larry Johnson ran in a touchdown as the clock expired, and I was the only one hooting and hollering. Despite that being a heated rivalry, no one bothered me.

Of course they didn't bother you. They were wondering why some time traveler in their midst decided to spend his time in the future watching a football game in a bar.
In 2096 I went to a bar at 10 a.m. to watch the Raiders and Chiefs play. My buddy and everyone else in the place were wearing Raiders colors while I was in my Chiefs shirt. Larry Johnson ran in a touchdown as the clock expired, and I was the only one hooting and hollering. Despite that being a heated rivalry, no one bothered me.

In 2005, a year the Broncos were really good and went to the AFC championship game, I lived in Omaha and went to the game in Kansas City. Now it was about zero degrees (one of the coldest games I've ever been to) so there was no outerwear Broncos gear.

But I did debate if I should outwardly cheer. That all came crashing to a fast decision when the Broncos broke a long screen pass early in the game. A guy sitting next to us went, let me guess, you're Broncos fans. That's actually one of my best sports memories.

It was a great time, but the Broncos lost a close one.

Visiting fans will always try to see what kind of footing they can get. Most of the people around me at Broncos games are pretty nice. I honestly have never had an issue one way or another.

Philadelphia is obviously a different beast but you can't do that. I don't think he should lose his job but as others have said, everything is recorded now.
If I can't dress up in my team colors and cheer for my guys, then no I'm not interested in attending.

Now are there some places where it is unsafe to do so? Yes, so I don't go there. (I've almost certainly seen my last game at Neyland Stadium, a vow I made after the mustard bottle game.) Also probably explains why I've never been to a NFL game unless there was a credential hanging on my neck.
I think there's something about NFL games in particular that bring out the A-hole in some fans.

In the past 15 years, I have attended MLB, college football and NHL games where I was cheering for the visiting team and wearing their gear — either a T-shirt and/or hat. Got some good natured ribbing at times, but nothing nasty. And I didn't rub anything in either when things went my way.

One of my favorite experiences at an MLB game was when I saw the White Sox play in Seattle in 2010. Me and a few other White Sox fans in our seating area would stand and shout "Konerko" before every pitch of a key late-inning at bat by the Chicago slugger.

After a Mariners reliever struck him out, a whole bunch of Seattle fans stood and shouted his name ("Olson!!") back at us. Touché!
The first NFL game I ever attended was Dolphins-Eagles in 1993...Don Shula breaks George Halas' wins record at the Vet. Bought tickets months ahead of time with my best buddy, who is a Dolphins fan. We met each other on an Amtrak train in NYC and went from there to Philly. No cell phones, no way to communicate if one of us was running late or lost, basically no safety net anywhere. In retrospect, my buddy wearing Dolphins garb into the Vet was the LEAST dumb/dangerous thing we did on that trip! I don't remember any issues with fans but looking back I wonder what the fork we were doing.
Baseball games? I feel completely safe wearing Guardians gear. I've done it in a dozen ballparks. College football? I root for a MAC team. Either the opposition in conference is thrilled to have sold a ticket or a bogger program doesn't take you seriously. I once had a charming evening at Neyland surrounded by Vols fans. Add a "State" to my Ohio gear and it is likely a different story. NFL? Too many drunks. I don't go to away games. And I hate attending NFL games.
I like to live in a world where I once didn't wear Packers colors in the original Cleveland Stadium Dawg Pound for the very reason some have stated here, but also, if I had decided to wear them, not to live in a world where assholes get a free pass because … it's somehow OK at a game? fork that noise running.

For as much cartoon dislike I've expressed here over the Cubs and Cardinals, I've never once had an issue inside Busch or Wrigley. (Outside Wrigley, and randomly, Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati for some reason, different story.)

The only issue I ever created was when I was at Jacobs Field in '95 to see the Brewers. Pat Listach comes up and, emboldened to give shirt to my Cleveland friends I was with, I yelled, "PAT LISTACH! ROOKIE OF THE YEAR!" at the top of the top of my lungs when he came up to bat. Some dude came out of nowhere and was definitely up for curb-stomping my ass to defend the honor of Kenny Lofton, who was by then infamously passed over for ROY in '92.

He proceeded to tell me how shirt Brewers fans were and how bad attendance at County Stadium was and I told him that was rich coming from a fan of a team on which an entire movie franchise was based on how shirt they were. This among other dopey barbs. I was never going to throw any punches, but he might have, so friends on both sides calmed everyone down. Pretty ridiculous behavior on the part of everyone, including myself.

Only "issue" I ever had wearing a Packers sweatshirt was at a Packers-Lions game at the Silverdome in '95. I was sitting in the end zone of whatever the middle section was and you could see fights galore breaking out in the upper deck. Lions fan in front of us turned around and said, "See, all of you Packers fans coming here to Detroit starting shirt." I was like, "It takes two to tango, pal" and then shut up before anything kicked off.

I haven't been to a NFL game as a fan since 2000. Seems way more culty to me in a bad way. People take this shirt way too seriously.

And who the fork are these cos-playing assholes dressing up in those garish costumes in camera range? GWAR called, they want their schtick back, and with less NFL-branded fake edginess.
Re: the guy getting fired. If you're in any way a forward-facing employee for your company and it comes out you're involved in bullshirt like this and it paints the company in a bad light, yeah, you're going to lose your job. Easy solution: Stop being an asshole in public.
Re: the guy getting fired. If you're in any way a forward-facing employee for your company and it comes out you're involved in bullshirt like this and it paints the company in a bad light, yeah, you're going to lose your job. Easy solution: Stop being an asshole in public.

Yes, this is the answer. It feels good in a cosmic sense that, once in a while, there is a penalty to pay for bad behavior. And it may make the next person think twice about it.
In 2096 I went to a bar at 10 a.m. to watch the Raiders and Chiefs play. My buddy and everyone else in the place were wearing Raiders colors while I was in my Chiefs shirt. Larry Johnson ran in a touchdown as the clock expired, and I was the only one hooting and hollering. Despite that being a heated rivalry, no one bothered me.

Did the great-great grandson of Steve DeBerg throw 7 interceptions? Future bettors want to know.
I'm all for friendly trash talk of opposing fans. Keep it PG-13 but let everyone feel safe. As a visiting fan, same thing. Doing be an A-Hole and invite trouble. Let us enjoy the experience but also make a comment out two.

At Giants games, Dodgers fans routinely invade and mostly are ok. I felt really bad for my principal during the 21 NLDS because despite there being a strong contingent of Dodgers fans there, people were making him feel unsafe. I actually softened a little on the rivalry after that.

Conversely, I won't wear Giants gear to LA at night. LA fans are jerks in LA but it's different at night especially after the Stow incident. I just won't do it. But one of my favorite moments came in September of 2010, I didn't wear Giants gear and the G-men won in a comeback. As people were lining out, I got a picture of me giving thumbs down to Broxton who had blown the save. Dodgers fans were cheering me on and highfiving me. They thought I was mad the Dodgers lost. I was actually gleeful. Ask from not wearing gear.

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